Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quilt Blocks and Monkeys

I've been working on the March blocks for my Quilt Bee this weekend. The block chosen was the Garden Fence . The colours were Yellow, Grey, Black with white - just like the quilt in this tutorial!
The first two I made turned out a bit small - my 1/4in is a bit off apparently. Rather than unpicking, I'm going to trim them back to 10in and make myself a small table quilt!

Here is the final version, photo taken outside as it was such a nice day (with the help of the kids trampoline!)

And I have finished some more Sock Monkeys.

This adorable Cupcake Monkey is now available in my Etsy store, have a quick look if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Cuttteeeee monkeys!!!!



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